Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday Guest Cat Blogging

This is Oreo. He looks fat, but he's actually mostly fur. The cat under that fur is quite a bit thinner, though because he mooches food from all the neighbors he's a bit fatter than his owners suspect. He's still half the weight of my cats even so. Not that this means much, when Mencken weighed 16 pounds and Fang weighed 18 pounds last time they were weighed at the vet's office...

Both Mencken and Fang, when they spot Oreo through the door, hiss at him. That's expected behavior from Mencken. Mencken hates everything. I was surprised when Fang did it, though. Fang's usual response to strangers is to attempt to groom them (he's such a vicious putty tat!). Maybe with all the fur, Fang thought it was a tribble come to eat all his food or something...

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Oreo's marking his territory in that photo.

    No wonder your "kids" hissed.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's a pretty guest cat. It does look smaller than 16 or 18 lbs. It's no wonder your kitties hissed. They didn't want Oreo near their food bowl.


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