Friday, October 06, 2006

Ze Governator throws red meat to his base

with comments that offend Hispanics, but which will have his core supporters clapping and cheering.

Scratch a Republican, see the white bedsheet underneath. Or the swastika in this case, given that the Governator hails from the same locale as that short painter dude who got half of German manhood killed...

Will it hurt his governor's run? Of course not. The people he offended weren't voting for him in the first place. This wasn't an off-the-cuff remark. This was a remark specifically calculated to shore up his support amongst the Republican base, a Republican base that in an earlier era would be capering about in a pointy hood and bedsheet, and nowdays merely vote Republican (cheaper than buying bedsheets -- have you see the price of new bedsheets lately?!).

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. You sure said that in an interesting way.

  2. I wish somebody would force-feed Angelides some raw meat and gunpowder. Or at least wake him up. I'm gonna vote for him, but he's hopeless.

  3. Yeah, know what ya mean about Angelides. Hopeless. Utterly hopeless. I'm going to vote for him too, but ...

  4. I kind of equat what your Govenor said with hat george Allen said hre in virgiia. he rally isn't worried is remarks will hurt those who might not vote for him, as they weren't going to anyhow, so he is shoring up is white right wing neoconsevative bigotted voters


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