Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Christianity: the religion of hate

Joseph Farah of World Nut Daily is fond of calling Islam "the religion of hate". But the murder of innocents is one of the sorts of things that Christians do all the time, and have done for centuries.

Christianity: The religion of hate. If you doubt it, two words: Pat Robertson.

Note to outraged followers of Jesus Christ: You're not Christians. Didn't you get the memo?! Or is the memo unclear for some reason? If you don't believe in converting non-believers to Christianity at swordpoint like the Spanish Reconquista did to the Muslims and Jews of Spain when they conquered it, you're not a "real" Christian, you're just a follower of Jesus Christ, not the same thing at all, and are going to Hell.

-- Badtux the "Christians != followers of Jesus Christ" Penguin


  1. oh yes..but the first were the crusades...kill those tree-hugging

  2. When things don't make sense, it's usually because there is either missing information or wrong information or both.

    Google MKUltra or Bluebird +CIA for a start and note that these random mass killings where unheard of before the Sixties. It's also election time!

    p.s. I have no argument about the forces who took over christianity a long, long time ago.

  3. Christian's are Godless, the spirit is not in them, they are brainwashed. They are Romans posing as Christians. God hates the Christians and Muslims that don't have the spirit in them.

  4. I don't have a problem with Christianity (or Islam, or any other religion) per se. It's just that, for me, becoming a Christian entails believing in Christian scripture, something which I simply cannot do. What I like about Christianity is its message of compassion, brotherhood, trust, love, and wisdom. But that's what I like about every religion and mythology -- if you look, you will find "Do unto others as you would want done to yourself" in all of them (including, I'm sure, Tuxology -- tho I wonder what the late Joseph Campbell would have had to say about that curious faith had he known of it).

    But accepting the Bible as historical fact? Can't do it.

    Look at the Garden of Eden story. You mean to tell me that all of humankind is born into sin, and that we all must spend the rest of our lives at risk of eternal damnation, all because one married couple ate a piece of fruit God warned them never to eat after a serpent told them -- in plain English -- not to worry?

    Come on.

    Furthermore, if you read that account very carefully, you'll notice that the only one of the four who spoke truthfully was the serpent -- the same one referred to by Christians as the Devil.

    Sorry, sir, but I'm not interested in what you're selling. This is just like any other vital, life-altering agreement: Before you sign your soul away, read the fine print...

  5. Self righteous arrogance has killed more than any Army


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