Monday, October 30, 2006

George W. Bush: God's gift to liberals

Even if you agree with the ideological goals of the Bush Administration, the implementation has been so incompetent, so corrupt, so absolutely insensisible, as to defy comprehension. They’ve managed to destroy the Army, run up insane budget deficits, increase government spending to unprecedented amounts, make our nation beholden to our worst enemy (Communist China, which can destroy the value of the U.S. dollar at any time by dumping their dollar reserves upon the open market). The Bush Administration threatens to discredit conservatism for a generation, much in the same way that Herbert Hoover’s incompetent handling of the Great Depression discredited conservatism for a generation.

This just leaves two questions to be asked:

  1. Who are the kool-aid drinkers who keep supporting this train wreck? Any sensible Republican has to be running screaming and shouting about just how bad and evil the Busheviks are. Yet you still have Freepi and RedState'ers catapaulting the propaganda for their Dear Leader... what gives? Are they all being paid to do this? Or are they really that stupid?
  2. And, the most important of all: Is George W. Bush a closet Democrat, who purposely has set out to destroy the Republican Party by discrediting it for a generation?
Don't you all rush to answer the questions at once :-).

As an aside, I utterly despised Clinton, though I never understood the fascination of the right wingnuts regarding Willy's willie (Presidential dalliances have been the norm since the notorious womanizer George Washington was in office -- sorta a Presidential perk, if you will, the aphrodaisic of power... SAAAAYYYY, what was JimJeff doin' on all those White House visits anyhow?!). But next to Bush, Clinton looks like the second coming of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan combined... frightening, eh?

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. I liked Clinton. But you are right, it isn't anyone's business who is screwing who on a whitehouse couch. It's just a couple of monkeys fucking.

  2. The enormous debt and runaway spendiing should be the top issue. We are robbing are future generations.

    The General Accounting Office has been trying to send out warnings, and no one is listening.

    Where is the fiscal responsibility and limited government that are supposed to be "Conservative" values that Republicans hold? Yes Bush is a liberal spending fool.

    I liked Clinton, also. But he was very "conservative" compared to some Democrats. I consider myself a conservative independent becuase the political parties don't represent the people anymore, they represent whoever gives them the most cash, big corporations and commercialized religious groups.

  3. I don't really like labels, but if there must be one on me, call me a moderate. All things in moderation you know.

  4. Well, niCk, my biggest issue with Clinton was that whether it was telcom deregulation, NAFTA, or welfare reform, he was more interested in pandering to money than in looking out for the people who elected him. Then there was that whole war in Yugoslavia thing. There were no U.S. national interests in play in Yugoslavia, he should have let the Europeans handle it. Although I guess it did allow Clinton to test all those new stealth weapons and smart bombs that had come online during his Presidency...

    Of course, compared to Dubya, Clinton is the bestest President ever. But then, Herbert Hoover looks like a great President compared to Dubya.

    - BadTux the Populist Conservative Penguin

  5. 1. yes they are sheepeople...they just follow whomever their preacher tells them to
    2. naa, he's the village idiot...they put him in the white house for someone to manipulate...

    and that got me thinking - why don't we paint the white house a different blue or yellow...


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