Sunday, October 29, 2006

More scary black cat Halloween blogging

This is one of my mom's many cats. This cat's terrifying power, the power that makes her terrifying, is the ability to shed. My mom fills up a vacuum cleaner bag every day vacuuming cat hair off the carpet and furniture...

-- Badtux the cat-hair-covered Penguin


  1. Your mom must really love that cat to be willing to vacuum every day!!! How much does that cat weigh? We have a very small dog, she is 2 years old and only weighs 5 pounds. When we go for walks in the neighborhood, she is on a leash and the cats are larger than she is and they think she is another cat.
    How many cats does your mom have?

  2. Heshe weighs about 12 pounds and is a total ham, you're walking down the hall, she runs in front of you and plops down right in front of you and rolls over for you to pet her tummy. Last time I counted my mom's critters, she had hmm, there's her two original cats (of which this is one), there's the oddball sorta-Siamese cat that another friend gave her, there's the grey cat that wandered into the house one day and never left, then there's the dogs, the two beagles and the blind poodle all of which again were rejects that others foisted off on her. I think I'm missing a cat or two. She had to buy a Honda Element just to carry all her critters to the vet (!!!), her old Honda Civic just wasn't big enough for that...

    She never actually set out to have a menagerie. She just ended up with everybody's reject critters where the critters would have gotten sent to the pound and put down otherwise. Well, except for the cat that wandered in one day and never left.

    As for the vacuuming, at least three of her cats are longhairs that have super shedding powers. The beagles live in the back yard and the poodle is kept clipped (a blind poodle isn't good at grooming herself) so they don't contribute to the hair problems. I fill up the bin on my vacuum cleaner every week with hair from my cats, and they're both shorthairs, so you can see why she has such cat hair issues...

  3. What is a vacuum? Just kidding, with four cats in here I have to do the same. But the Kirby makes short work of it.

  4. Great cat! Although from the sounds of the hair problem it is the kind of cat that makes me sneeze a lot


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