Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Grand Ole' Perverts

While we're talking about the fact that the Republicans covered up for one of their perverts, let's not forget the LAST time that Republicans covered up for their perverts -- when a call-boy ring ran its boy prostitutes through the White House. The Republicans paint themselves as the Party of Moral Values when in fact there is a whole USENET newsgroup devoted to right-wing "Christian" perverts, and right-wing anti-abortion Catholic priests are regularly caught en flagrante' with under-age boys. This isn't even the first time that a Republican congressman has sexually molested a House page. Rep. Bob Crane of Illinois gets that honor.

Let's face it, these dudes are some really gross old perverts. The party of moral values indeed... perhaps the moral values of Caligula, that is.

-- Badtux the Head-shakin' Penguin


  1. Face it Tux, those Christian Republicans are a bunch of sick motherfuckers. Anyone that knows how to think knows that. I discussed it on my blog a few days ago in fact.

  2. I've studied this issued and have come up with the following non-partison balanced statement.

    Don't go to prison, you may have to shower with a Republican.

  3. Christians, Republicans, Priests, Senators, Congressmen.

    We've have been brainwashed that these are the people we should trust the most.

    And look what they do with our trust.

    "darkness has a hunger that's insatiable"

  4. The party of hypocricy shows its true colors.

    And I almost spewed a workout preworkout drink all over my keyboard after reading lurches Caligula reponse.

  5. crack em up - love the poster!!

  6. I think the GOP theme song should be Billy Joel's "The Stranger":

    Well, we all have a face
    That we hide away forever,
    And we take them out and show ourselves
    When everyone has gone.
    Some are satin, some are steel,
    Some are silk and some are leather --
    They're the faces of the Stranger,
    But we love to try them on...

    Bunch of assholes.

    And for the record, the Jackass Party's theme song should be Everclear's "Everything to Everyone":

    I think you love to play the simpleton,
    I think you love to play the clown,
    I think you are blind to the fact that the
    Hand you hold is the hand that holds you down...

    And they're a bunch of assholes, too...

  7. I'm with Lurch. Hell, at least Caligula was entertaining.


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