Wednesday, October 25, 2006

7-11 sells Cocaine!

Well, at least for a few days they did. And they sold it mostly to young girls.

Rumors that George W. Bush was spotted carrying several cases out of the nearest 7-11 are quite spurious. He has Secret Service agents for that. And that's a milk mustache under his nose. For true!

Not that George would be caught drinking a heavily caffeinated "energy drink", of course. Not when he could have the real thing just by asking his Secret Service detail.

That is all.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. now this is amusing - i didn't catch that article in the mecury. hysterical!

  2. I heard it on the radio, this morning. Why ON EARTH would somebody choose to name their drink, COCAINE???? That's just flirting with disaster.

  3. Fuck cocaine, man! This mocker's lookin' for a few good barbiturates...

  4. You can use the Cocaine to wash down your Fried Coke.

  5. "Cocaine" has twice the caffiene as other popular energy drinks like "red bull", and what a clever marketing gimmick, anyone got some "shine" to mix this stuff with yet.


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