Sunday, October 15, 2006

Confessions of a stoner penguin

One of the interesting things about boomers is how they justify their drug usage. Stuff about "opening the doors of perception" and so forth. In that vein I have a confession to make: I was a high school stoner.

When I was in high school, it was well known that I was a druggie. I had that "stoner stare", people said, and kept asking me for my "connection". Reality was that I didn't even use alcohol. My testosterone-clouded mind had enough problems processing sans interference from other chemicals.

The doors of perception are controlled by one's mind, not by the drugs one uses. He who wishes to perceive, perceives. Drugs have nothing to with it. A willingness to think beyond what one is told to think, a desire to see beyond what one is told to see, a desire to listen beyond what one is told to hear, that is all it takes. And sadly, said willingness and desire is as uncommon today as it was in my youth xx years ago (let us just say that I voted for Jimmy Carter, and leave it at that).

- Badtux the Stoner Penguin


  1. I never did do drugs other than booze.I've smoked a little dope but just a hit here and there around friends that did.

  2. Excellent point, Tux. Very perceptive!

    Jokes aside, I have found that it takes courage and determination to expand your perception of reality. It is very uncomfortable facing the truth of yourself and others.
    Hence it's unpopularity

  3. very true!! thanks for to words of wisdom!

  4. i had to come to grips with same old boring reality when i got sober. now, i wouldn't give it away. there are sometimes though...just a few hours of oblivion can be tempting. then i remember. . .when the engineer blows his whistle at the rail road crossing, he's not warning me about the caboose.

  5. True; however, some drugs are just fun!


  6. Well, at least YOU knew you weren't doing drugs:)

    My highschool had plenty of pot smokers. I didn't know any well enough to be invited to their parties. I had to wait until after I graduated to try the stuff.

    ...and then there were the guys who huffed glue out of paper bags on the other side of the road from the school. No, they didn't invite me to try any, either... but one could tell their brain damage was starting...


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