Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Republican explains...

why he is voting a straight Democratic ticket this year:

We need to get rid of the authoritarians, we need to get rid of the big-spenders, the religionists and the gay-bashers, the liars, con-artists, crooks, and thieves, and we need to start over. I really look forward to the day where I have the high ground on tax related issues because my party is not spending us into bankruptcy. I look forward to the day when my party, when faced with difficult scientific questions, turns to the experts (rather than turning on them) instead of Sen. Inhofe and James Dobson and Randall Terry. I look forward to the day when my party once again has enough of a moral standing that we should even be allowed to discuss human rights and torture in foreign regimes. I look forward to the day when we can, with a straight face, argue that we are the party of small government- after, of course, we get rid of the religionists who are trying to dictate who we can love, who we can sleep with, who gets to determine what we watch on tv, and who gets to determine our end of life decisions. I look forward to the day when it is once again the Democrats who look crazy.

But for right now, it is the GOP that is out of touch, out of control, and drowning in it’s own hubris. It is time to throw them an anchor, and it looks like there are a lot of people lining up on the docks to do just that.


-- Badtux the Conservative Penguin

Crossposted at Mockingbird's Lament


  1. You tell em Tux. Umm, just what is your party?

  2. Why do conservatives who think for themselves hate America?

  3. thanks - you've given me some hope for a small part of my day!!

  4. I never voted democrat until the last Presidential election. This midterm, democrat down the line.


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