Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wishful thinking

Bush has announced that he's unwilling to live with a nuclear North Korea.

I'll throw in $5 towards the funeral expenses. Anybody else?

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. I'll see BBC's ten and raise him five...

  2. Nice of him to volunteer, I'll throw in a twenty

  3. I'll match Nick (Mem Beth)'s twenty and donate a wreath made of uncleared brush...

  4. I'll see Mimus's twenty and raise you another ten. Oh, wait, that's poker.

    Truth be told, if King George would off himself, I would pay all the funeral expenses. Yep, a plain pine box and a lot at the Pauper's cemetary. My guess is I wouldn't have to budget for flowers, what with Mimus's wreath and all.

  5. I will see what I have in my savings account. ;-)

  6. Lessee, as of now, that's a hundred bucks, plus whatever Ole Blue has. that should be enough to put Dubya's carcass on a Greyhound outa town...

  7. I'm not willing to spend any more than absolutely necessary for the funeral, but I'll go all out for the wake--booze, hot snacks, healthy alternatives for those kinds of people.


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