Wednesday, October 04, 2006

More Microsoft stupidity...

Any hacker will be able to disable your computer at any time just by fooling the next release of Microsoft's OS into believing it isn't a "genuine Microsoft product".

Bill Gates is the only person on this planet more arrogant than George W. Bush. His attitude apparently is, "I can do what I want, and if you don't like it, bite me." Makes me glad I'm a Linux penguin.

-- Badtux the Linux-using Penguin


  1. Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes, I wish I could say, "I'm a Linux penguin".

  2. They really are the evil empire, aren't they?

  3. Well, Gates has had his day. Apple seems to be gaining on Windows pretty damn quick.

  4. I would be in the OS X camp if not for the hardware investment. Thinking hard about Ubuntu.

  5. Actually, Newsy, the hardware investment issue has gotten a lot better lately. The new Apple Macbook is cheaper than all the other 13.3" dual-core laptops on the market. And the OS makes Windows look like the piece of crap that it is. This is probably going to be my next laptop, when it comes time to buy, which will be May of next year (yeah, I got it all scheduled and budgeted and everything).


  6. I've just installed Ubuntu. It's brilliant.
    My friend who recommended it (and installed it for me - me being a complete cluts) has installed it on a mac laptop and he says it's operation is "seamless" i.e. perfect.

    Go here for Ubuntu info and software (it's free!)

  7. Yes, Ubuntu is what I run also. It is the favorite of penguins everywhere :-).

    Only real issue with Ubuntu, or any Linux actually, is hardware and software support. I run Windows on my laptop because my Garmin GPS map program only runs on Windows. Windows is also the only thing I have here that'll back up my Palm Treo, I can't get Ubuntu to maintain a connection with the Treo due to limitations of the Linux USB subsystem and the Treo doesn't have Bluetooth even if I had a Bluetooth dongle in my Linux box. That said, it's certainly possible to dual-boot a laptop, and in fact I have Ubuntu running on a partition of my laptop. But it stays booted in Windows most of the time, and I just vnc over to my desktop for doing Linux.


  8. I'm an anime/movie/music junkie. I would need a loaded pro just for the drive capacity. Running with 0.9TB right now. I could build an external raid for a 20” iMac, I suppose. I also was toying with the idea of keeping my current machine just as a media server.

    I have tried installing osX86 on three different machines with different amounts of success. It's just made me want the real thing. It's pretty, it's fast, and typing UNIX commands on a terminal just feels good.

    Plus, I just like building machines and doing my own upgrades. I just finished a 3 year mission to make my machine whisper quiet.

  9. Yeah, drive capacity is why my desktop/server is running Linux. I share its drives via CIFS with my laptop, and bingo, there's my multimedia drive capacity! Then I can run whatever the @#$%@ I want on my laptop and still get to all my data.

    I don't know who all these demented fools are who are still running Microsoft on their servers. Linux rocks as a server OS.


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