Thursday, October 12, 2006

Mmmm... coffee!

The European contingent at the office finally brow-beat Operations into buying real fresh-roasted coffee beans to their specification and a coffee grinder to turn it into grounds for the coffee maker.

Good coffee. GOOOOOD coffee. I'm not sure whether I'm going to go thru the trouble of switching from my favorite coffee at home, it tastes better than Community Dark Roast but not *that* much better, but it is a 10000% improvement at work.

Question: What gift should I give to the European contingent for getting us some decent coffee? I thought about cooking them some Cajun food, but their coffee is the gift that keeps giving every morning, and a one-shot deal of red beans and rice or gumbo just isn't the same. New coffee mugs? Naw, we already got too many free ones around here. I'm stumped. Anybody?

-- Badtux the Coffee-lovin' Penguin


  1. The occasional gift of biscotti.

  2. You could give them what Louisiana is famous for. No, not bad politics! ;-) (Although they are famous for that). I mean a huge,
    one gallon bottle of Tabasco sauce. That way, they get to enjoy it twice (Once on the way in, and again...err, well, you get the idea!). ;-)



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