Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bill O'Reilly wants to kill me

Why am I not surprised? Mr. Shut Up has always been a two-bit thug who makes his bones via character assassination, slander, and inciting his hoards of devotees to violence. Why should I be surprised that he wants to kill me? After all, I'm sure he'd tell you that fried penguin tastes just like chicken...

-- Badtux the Not-ready-to-be-fried-yet Penguin


  1. Stephen Colbert calls Bill-O "Papa Bear".

    One type of Bear is a Polar Bear.

    Polar Bears eat penguins.

    Watch out badtux!

  2. Uhm, no, polar bears do not eat penguins, Evil Spock. Maybe they do on the planet Vulcan, but here on Earth, polar bears live at the North Pole, and penguins live at the South Pole. Killer whales, on the other hand, do love a penguin snack. I suppose this means I should fear Dennis Hastert most of all...

    -- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. Um, yeah they do eat penguins on Vulcan. Also, we walk on our hands and type with our feet.


  4. Wow, Badtux, I didn't know you are a "hired gun".
    What's it pay?

  5. Thus far, about $-15 per month (yep, I pay to blog) and what few shards remain of my sanity...

    -Badtux the Insane Penguin

  6. Some guys need a blowjob. Bill O'Reilly needs a penis...


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