Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Is Bush fleeing to Paraguay?

Prensa Latina claims that President Bush is buying land in Paraguay There is speculation that Bush intends to flee to Paraguay to avoid prosecution in the event that the Democrats manage to impeach him or a jury indicts him after his Presidency.

Two facts:

#1: Paraguay signed an extradition treaty with the United States in 1998. (scroll down on link to 'Paraguay' to see the text of the treaty). Do note the exception for "political crimes" in the extradiction treaty, but it is dubious whether that would cover the war crimes that Bush has committed, such as the murder of half a million people in Iraq.

#2: All the hits on the Internet seem to be a reprint of an article from the Cuban News Service (Prensa Latina), which has, let us say, a rather dubious record (call'em the Fox News of Latin America and leave it at that).

On the other hand, Jenna Bush WAS in Paraguay, officially as part of a UNICEF mission, but she dined with the President of Paraguay. So there is at least a possibility of it being true that Bush has some plans for Paraguay and used Jenna to carry them to the President of Paraguay. But my suspicion is that this was just the courtesy of one tin-pot third world dictator to another tin-pot third world dictator.

In short: This is Castro playing with Bush again. Funny. Really funny. True? Probably not.

- Badtux the "Little smoke, no fire" Penguin


  1. Interesting. Can he take his 'protection' there if that where to happen? Would we care if he went? Would they blow him away if he did? Maybe it's just an investment out of country.

    I can't picture that little weasle leaving here, not for any extended time anyway. And only if he has to.

  2. I am willing to kick in $5 to help with the land deals if it speeds up his "early retirement".

  3. he and his compadres have enough money to buy a small island ~ they don't need to stinking third world country (spoken like baby bush)

    naa, i think he plans on sticking around...the rich white boys club has been here a long time, since the beginning of our existance

  4. Come on now people.
    We can dream can't we?

  5. Probably another place to interrogate Penguuins and Old hound dogs

  6. http://tania.blythe-systems.com/pipermail/nytr/Week-of-Mon-20050725/020872.html



  7. Maybe someone told him there was oil in Paraguay.


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