Sunday, October 22, 2006

More scary black cat Halloween blogging

I do not suggest that you try breaking into my apartment, for this shall be your fate...

-- Badtux the Protected Penguin


  1. I'm shaking in my boots.

  2. Let us just say that The Mighty Fang's nickname is "Tiny". Yes, I realize that this is a nickname typically applied to 350 pound barroom bouncers with as much muscle in their head as in their biceps, but then, the Mighty Fang is the feline equivalent of said 350 pound barroom bouncer, so it fits :-).

    - Badtux the Cat-protected Penguin

  3. Ooh. He'll purr and lick you till you're dead!


  4. looks like an escaped panther!

  5. Great cat pics. How much does the Mighty Fang weigh? He does resemble a panther from the zoo.

  6. wow - i'd love to break into your place - just to pet this cutie!!!

  7. He weighs 18 pounds. And Mixter, it's obvious that you're female, else you'd notice that Fang's victim's legs are crossed. When a male's legs are crossed that way, it means only one thing -- protection of the family jewels. 18 pounds of feline paw coming down upon unprotected testicles *hurts*!

    But yeah, The Mighty Fang is a sweetie. Mencken is 2/3rds the size of TMF (and Mencken isn't exactly a small cat himself!), but Mencken bosses TMF around through sheer mean-ness. What's TMF's response to that? Well, to groom Mencken whenever Mencken allows it, that's what his response is! He's just a big dumb friendly galoot of a kitty, without a mean bone in his body.

    AZ Goddess -- if you drop by my place and sit down, you'll have 18 pounds of cat in your lap shortly thereafter ready to be petted and rubbed. He never met a person he didn't like. When the cable guy came over to install my Internet, he poked his nose everywhere the cable guy went, and when the cable guy was waiting for a callback on activation, he played with the cable guy, who kept dangling a wire for TMF to chase, then did some rough play rolling TMF and TMF pretending to be vicious. Be warned, 18 pounds of cat bounding up into your lap *hurts*! But you're female, so it won't hurt as much as it does for a male :-).

  8. The Mighty Fang is an awesome cat! How wonderful for you that he has chosen to protect you.


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