Monday, October 30, 2006

Why do the Republicans hate our Marines?

The never-right Republican blogsphere is abuzz with rattling about how Jim Webb's novel about Vietnam is immoral. But... conservative John Cole over at Balloon Juice points out that the U.S. Marine Corps requires that every 2nd Lieutenant read his novel Fields of Fire (the USMC even calls it "the classic novel of the Vietnam War"!). I guess that makes it official: the U.S. Marine Corps hates America :-).

Anybody who thinks Marines don’t curse and fuck and fight and drink like fish ain’t ever been a Marine or even talked to one in real life. I found it very realistic. I.e., not prettyfied and pussified like those chickenhawks who are shitting on our Marines. And if they want to call it "immoral" because of that...

Correction: It has been pointed out to me that Marines do NOT drink like fish. Rather, fish ASPIRE to drink like Marines. Thank you for that correction, anonymous!

-- Badtux the not-a-fish Penguin

Cross-posted in slightly different form at the Mockingbird's place


  1. ""Rather, fish ASPIRE to drink like Marines. Thank you for that correction, anonymous!""

    This is true. All services tend to drink a lot.

    When the Stupublicans put their foot in their mouths like that it makes me happy.

  2. LOL....... The Navy was a four year party for me.

  3. I can't answer that k. ron, but while I was in, there was a female 2nd lieutenant that I would have liked to taint with my bodily fluids. And yes, us Marines are perverts. The anonymous commenter had it right though, fish DO aspire to drink like us.


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