Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Happy (belated) Columbus Day!

Self-hating liberal Karlo sez: We are again being asked to celebrate "Columbus Day" in celebration of the European "discovery" of the Americas. It's a bit like celebrating Hitler Day to celebrate Adolph's "discovery" of western Russia. What's even more amazing is that Columbus's little group, without the help of tanks or a modern bureacracy, actually managed to mount a genocide of almost modern proportions.

Karlo, c'mon, get with the program. If you're not a good white European-descended Amurrican, you're not a human being, and thus your death is nothing worse than killing a cockroach. Sheesh. Next thing you know, you dastardly liberals are going to be claiming that ARABS are human beings and thus we shouldn't be killing thousands of them in Iraq. What next? Equal rights for Negros? How un-American can you get?!!!

-- Badtux the Tongue-in-cheek Penguin


  1. You mean it wasn't Columbo's Day in honor of the old TV show?

    Why would they have a day in honor of a European who blundered into this hemisphere and spread disease and slavery?

    The first white men came to the East Coast from France along the edge of the ice during the last Ice Age about 17,000 years ago. They did no lasting damage. Why aren't we honoring them?

    Oh, the things they didn't teach us in school, and damn some of the things they did.

  2. i take offense - i was born in the town they named after him...NOT!!!

    well i was born in columbus...but that was the fault of my father who loved ohioh state so much he went to school there

    but i don't take offense...

    as the english part in me used to hater the native part in me

    but now they got used to everyone in here and decided to get along!!

  3. Well you know thunited states is weird like that. Celebrating Columbus day, pretending the South will rise again. etec.

  4. Oh, yeah, it was yesterday, wasn't it? Good thing I didn't need to go to the bank. Other than that, I wouldn't have noticed.

  5. You know, Tux, some folks don't get your satire, I have trouble picking up on it at times. Why not keep it right in the face and simple? You are great at getting at the facts, but they get lost at times in your presentation. Hugs.

  6. I appreciate the sarcasm. If people don't get it, let them visit a more blunt site, like mine!

  7. BBC, look up "snarky" in an online dictionary, please? Does it say "boring, dull, blah blah blah"? No? Thank you!

    - Badtux the Dictionary Penguin

  8. Ole Blue The Heretic said...
    "Well you know thunited states is weird like that. Celebrating Columbus day, pretending the South will rise again. etc."

    You think the South HASN'T risen again? With the ascendency of the neocons and the dominionists, it sure as hell feels like it has.


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