Monday, October 16, 2006

Happiness is a warm lap

Somebody said, regarding a prior story, that everything sucks and we need more cat photos to keep our sanity. So here we go: Yes, the world sucks. But the curmudgeonly Mencken allows himself to forget for a few seconds that he hates everyone and everything, thanks to the kindness of a stranger's lap and an ear massage...

- Badtux the Cat-petting Penguin


  1. I am always amazed at some of the horribly contorted positions cats can get into... yet they always look so darned comfortable. Ours has a tendency to sleep at the foot of the bed, back legs in the air, front legs on the mattress, head hanging off the side. If it weren't for the snoring, you'd swear he was dead.

  2. You post a lot of cat pictures, you got some kind of fetish? :-D

  3. That is how I want to snooze with my boyfriend rubbing my head. Cozy!

  4. More a camera fetish, nick, with my cats being the unwilling victims err subjects :-D.

    - Badtux the Camera-totin' Penguin

  5. Ahh, thanks, I needed that. Bet you didn't know your cats had a fan-base! :-) It's good to be a cat. A warm lap, a little shrimp and cream, and life is good. If only we could solve the world's problems the same way.

  6. Aw! That's the way a kitty should be. Mencken looks so very content!

  7. The household cat master. Although, I'm pretty sure he's a penguin masquerading as a cat....


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