Saturday, October 14, 2006


A sweet father-daughter story over at Minstrel Boy's place. Recommended.

One of the major regrets of my life is that, as a penguin in a time of chimpanzees, I will never have similar stories to tell. I never was any good at playing those chimpanzee mating games, much less 4x worth of them. Ah well, I am getting whiney and maudlin and that is never good for a penguin. Which brings me to the subject of guilty pleasures.

For some reason, Death Cab for Cutie's album Plans is playing on my CD player. If every shallow "high school" show had a theme album, this would be it. One reviewer said about it, "It is an album-length version of 'The OC'". It is all about chimpanzee mating games, and is part of a society-wide indoctrination of our youth in how those chimpanzee mating games are supposed to work (it is rather hilarious comparing how it works in India and China when talking with my co-workers with how it works here, it becomes utterly clear that all this "true love" stuff that we talk about here is an entirely social construct). Yet it has good poppy hooks in many of the songs, and the vocalist has a spare style that manages to make even the most banal of lyrics seem fraught with meaning.

Next up: A review of Totino's Party Pizzas. It ain't pretty...

-- Badtux the Maudlin Penguin

1 comment:

  1. LOL... I've tired of the female monkeys myself. They took womens rights to far to the right. Now they are just looking for handy men to add to their empires, it's not a partnership thing anymore. I'm giving up on that and seeking happiness within. And I'm starting to feel much better and getting more done. But I like to tease them. Have a great day Tux.


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