Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wal-Mart knows their customers

In my inbox (due to me buying tires from there): An offer for a five-CD set of Garth Brooks' greatest hits.

Yee-haw! Hey, y'all think they got thems a sale on them thare wife beaters too?!

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. The wife beaters are on permanent sale. Also, back around the holidays (since we libruls have stolen Christmas), Wally World had a talking, singing deer head... perfect for mounting over the fake mantle in the ol' double-wide.

  2. "What in the hell are you doing with that lawn mower blade?"

    "I aim to kill you with it. Mmm Mmm. "

    Oh wait, that was Dwight Yoakum. I gets those country singing boys confused, MMm MMm.

    -- Karl

  3. A 5-CD set of Garth Brooks' greatest hits?

    Such a monstrosity exists?!

    All's lost, then. We went out with neither a bang nor a whimper. We went out with a drawl.

    Too bad I can't hibernate. I think I can den, tho...

  4. where have i been living??

    and i thought it was only rap singers (using the word singing very lightly) who dis-d women???

    now our country boys are coming out of the closet as hating -- oh, wait it's only beating women...

    tongue-outta-cheek now

  5. What the heck were you doing shopping at Wal-Mart? And here I thought you were "Badtux the socially-conscious Penguin".

  6. I like my women just a little on the shady side.

  7. Hmm, Red State, you don't recall my tire saga?

    AZ Goddess, "wife beaters" refers to those white-trash t-shirts that the perps on "Cops" are always wear when the cops swoop into their trailer park to arrest them for beating their wife. Typically with giant yellow stains under the armpits and beer-and-ketchup stained elsewhere (or maybe that's blood stains from their wife's split lips). I'm not sure that country music stars actually wear these things, any more than George W. Bush is a real cowboy (he's scared of horses, so that kinda rules him out as a real cowboy), but their listeners sure do!

    Mimus -- yes, the end times are surely upon us :-). Penguins don't den, they migrate. Sounds like it might be time for my migration shortly, hmm...

    -BadTux the Walmart-shoppin' Penguin

  8. Penguins don't den, but bears do. I'm not a bear, I just live like one that has furniture. And denning sounds real nice right about now...

  9. Okay, I followed the link and read about your dilemma. I understand. I assume you did the appropriate penance, and if you didn't I don't want to know.


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