Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Man bites dog

And crotchety old geezers complain that them young farts just drive too darned slow nowdays. Drive golf balls. On the golf course, that is.

At which point, the youngsters beat up the old geezer, jumped into their convertible, and headed home. Well, up until the cops stopped them and arrested them for assault and battery, at which point one of the youngsters said, "I don't beat up on my grandpa, he wasn't my grandpa, so I hit him". But the last part -- that youngsters today are hoods and thugs -- is the unsurprising part. Unfortunately.

-- Badtux the "Young farts today are ____" Penguin


  1. I'll take a sand wedge. You take a Nine Iron.

    Let's go hit some "holes in one" of these boys. See how the f**k they like it.

  2. That sucks! I'm not going to hang out at golf courses and make comments about slow moving youth, no way... much too dangerous!

  3. Hum... I know some young folks that are great. But also some that are dregs. Maybe some things never change.

  4. wow - so um, why did they go out to play golf if they didn't know how to?

    seems they didn't realize that it's wasn't a hockey stick in their hands

  5. Man bites dog? Interesting headline for this story.

    Golf. Men, playing with their sticks, trying to get their balls near a hole.

    Did you know they make men's and women's golf balls, but most women say like to play with men's balls. HHMM.

    In our society, seniors are increasing looked upon as annoyances and burdens, when we need to be placing them on a pedestal and honoring them, we have much to learn from them. At the very least, a little respect for those older than I should be granted. As I grow old, I see much of the wisdom of an experienced life, the wisdom I rejected when I was young, is very useful, but we don't realize until have been through the same experiences.


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