Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Random blinking

Overweight dude gets tired, falls down and can't get up, requires 40 volunteers to haul his lardy 500+ pound ass out of the river. Probably his ordeal was so horrendous that he just had to go over to McDonalds and eat a few dozen Big Macs to recuperate...

Senator David Vitter is a sexual hypocrite. Duh. He's a Republican. That's like saying "avian waterfowl" or "law-breaking criminal". It sorta goes with the territory, y'know?

Bush Administration VA Secretary hits the road. Something about failing to deal with the rash of brain-injured patients that have hit the VA's doors ever since the insurgents in Iraq figured out that rattling soldiers around with IED's scrambled their brains even worse than Dear Leader's cocaine-befuddled brain. How *dare* those disabled soldiers demand medical care after they come back from Dear Leader's little war for oil!

Harry Reid actually makes the Republicans go through with their filibuster threat in the Senate. Democrats go nap in their offices until the last filibustering Republican falls asleep and the Democrats can come back and call a vote on the legislation being blocked by the Republicans.

Republicans invent another fake Clinton scandal. Gosh, this has to be right up there with losing money in an Arkansas land deal on the bogosity meter of scandals...

Just a typical Tuesday in Bizarro World USA...

-- Badtux the Bizarre Penguin


  1. Oh boy, if the folks over at Shakesville read your your first "blink", they're going to have a huge hissy fit. Their current cause is fat acceptance and they are somewhat vocal about it.

  2. Let'em have a hissy fit. 500 pounds is just plain unhealthy, and anybody who weighs that much should have done the less food/more exercise bit *long* ago. Look, as a penguin I know a bit about rotundity. Controlling rotundity so that one is pleasantly plump without being unhealthily so is not always easy. But it's not rocket science either. Eat less, exercise more. Duh.

    -- Badtux the Rotund Penguin

  3. Anybody that fat probably has severe underlying health issues that are keeping him that fat.

  4. I've been enjoying the Vitter debacle. The diaper thing...the weirder they get...the more fun we all have. Fat fun!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What? No commment about Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Oklahoma asking to change the law so that Border control agents can use deadly force to shoot fleeing UNARMED suspects in the back?

  7. Fat acceptance is such bs.

    Obesity is a health issue. One that is curable too, unlike cancer and AIDS, so don't give me the "its a disease" thing.

    Of course there is a line to cross, but badtux hardly even approached it.

    Sometimes I hate our PC ways.


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