Tuesday, March 20, 2007

"We" need to fix Iraq?!

I've got a better idea. How about we let the *IRAQIS* figure out what to do with their country? They live there. They have skin in the game. They are the ones who have to live with any solution. They don't need some self-absorbed white honkies from across the sea telling them how to run their country. It's time to get the fuck out and let them figure this shit out themselves, and then send billions to whatever government(s) arise out of this so they can rebuild the shit that *we* blew up. Blew up because blowing shit up is all that the U.S. of Fuckin' Self Absorbed Incompetence is capable of doing nowdays.

This shit of us pretending to be ubermenschen dictating to the unseemly untermenschen mud peoples as to how they should run their country is just bullshit and needs to stop. Fuck, we can't even provide medical care to our own citizens. Why the fuck do we think we can solve the problems of some folks overseas when we can't even solve our *own* problems?!

- Badtux the Rude Penguin


  1. Like this was ever about us wanting to "help" the people of Iraq... Even now, BushCo's objective is not to "help" anyone in Iraq. Oh sure, they may say that, and the few believers might buy into that, but the rest of us know better.


  2. WTF -- so very true...we need out

    problem is the american corporations are done milking iraq and the american people for all we got...sigh

    oh yea -- 1984 -- double speak - help=take-all-you-got

  3. Yeah, what you said.

  4. I would not trust this current government to change my lightbulbs. I would not trust this government to change the toilet paper in the bathroom. I would not trust this government to boil water properly. No way do I trust them in Iraq.

  5. Point well made, BT. Check out the Genesis of a Fatal War, part 3 at Candide's Notebooks (http://www.pierretristam.com/Bobst/07/cn032207.htm#1). He says much the same thing from an interesting perspective.


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