Wednesday, March 28, 2007


World Nut Daily has a breathless headline, "Left spews deadly venom over Tony Snow's cancer!". Unlike the venom NOT spewed(hah!) over Elizabeth Edwards's cancer, I suppose. But anyhow, I checked The Left's website, and didn't find anything over there about Tony Snow's cancer, so I dunno what World Nut Daily is talking about. Maybe they found some lefty somewhere in the Kos comment sections saying nasty things, I don't care enough to click on the headline to see the "story".

You'll notice that I have not mentioned either Tony Snow's cancer or Elizabeth Edwards's cancer previously on this blog. That's because cancer is a decidedly non-snarky subject, especially terminal cancer such as liver cancer or bone cancer. I had a relative recently die of bone cancer. It was a horrible and painful death. I've had a relative die of liver cancer. Another horrible and painful death. It seemed neither decent nor appropriate to in any way mention these people's condition, fate, or comment upon how they intend to deal with their condition.

Cancer is not a joking matter, and decisions made in the treatment of cancer, or in how to live one's life during the period of time between being diagnosed with terminal cancer and becoming too sick to continue functioning, are not decisions that I or anybody else should be second guessing. It is shameful that these two people's seperate ordeals may become political footballs, and if any of you out there are tempted to do so, I have just one thing to say: Stop. Just stop. For the sake of simple common decency, just shut up. It's not your business, or my business. I realize common decency ain't so common nowdays, but for the sake of all that is holy and decent, please just stop. That's all.

-- Badtux the not-snarky-at-the-moment Penguin


  1. Other than wishing Mr. Snow and Mrs. Edwards both the best, I've seen nothing about their conditions on lefty blogs. My dear ol' dad died 24 years ago at the age of 54 from pancreatic cancer that spread to his liver. I wouldn't take it very kindly if some asshole decided to make a public or political joke out of it.

    Some people are just cruel and/or evil. Some things are just not funny -- and this is coming from someone with a pretty warped sense of humor.


  2. I'm with you. I've lost too many people to cancer, it's not a joking matter.

    Good for you for and everyone else who has the decency to leave these tragedies alone.

  3. My dad died of cancer at 44. It runs in my family. But ya know what? We all die of something sooner or later.

    We risk life every time we get in an automobile. I just live life, hell, I've already been here thirty years longer than I expected to be.

    Besides, two months after you are gone no one is thinking about you much. Life is like that, it goes on.

  4. I'm happy to make comments about Cheney's continued heart problems- it's as much of a surprise to me that he *has* a heart, but perhaps that's part of the problem.

    But cancer? No, I agree. It's not a joking matter. Mr. Snow's name on the hand could not be more appropriate for someone employed in giving snowjobs to the public. I sincerely hope he gets better soon so we can continue to make fun of him properly.

    I lost my grandparents to cancer. It's not something to dance about. Ever. Colon screening for myself tomorrow, and I hope they find out what's wrong and that it's fixable.

  5. Thank you for this post. You have no idea how much it means to me personally.


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