Sunday, March 18, 2007

Four years

One place where I can guarantee you will NOT find Dear Leader or his minions. Or, for that matter, any of the yellow-bellied chickenhawks such as Doughy Pantload or Blake Rebling or any of the other pundits, Young Republicans, etc. who got us into this war. It might disturb their beautiful mind.

I do suppose that the family of the deceased appreciates the fact that Dear Leader and his minions stay away, though. Maybe Dear Leader wasn't lying when he said he stayed away because the families didn't want him at the funerals...

- Badtux the Saddened Penguin


  1. Well

    I went to the peace protest yesterday. As just one person with little power that is about all I can do. Be visible on the street because I believe it has more effect than these blogs do.

    The news media is at street protests, I don't see them talking much about all our bitching on our blogs.

  2. Ah, yes, the golden days for the Repugs.... death threats for entertainers who didn't fall in line, the lies were still the truth, and the fabled Cowboy mentality was going to save the day.

  3. Badtux, your snarky cynicism is depressing. knock it off would ya. ;]

    It's interfearing with my TV watching.


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