Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Carrying my kitties to the kitty doctor

Wish me luck. If you don't hear from me, watch for news reports of a Jeep found mysteriously sitting by the side of the road with two very satisfied looking cats and a lot of penguin feathers.

-- Badtux the "They don't like kitty doctors!" Penguin


  1. Tell the kitties it could be worse. They could be going to Walter Reed. That'll shut them up.

  2. My cats don't seem to mind going. But maybe it's because they are young and haven't figured it out yet.

    Did you know that cats are a lot better about having shots given to them than dogs are?

  3. i agree with them -- i don't like kitty docs either...or human docs for that matter!!

    good luck!!!!

  4. Well, I'm back. I survived. They whined miserably all the way there and back, of course, and shed all over me (I look like *I* have fur now), but their shots are finished for the year.

    Truffle, I don't think their grasp of geography encompasses Walter Reed. Their little kitty heads seem to be stuck on "food good", "belly rub good", "lap good", that kind of thing.

    BBC, Fang growled when the doc gave him the shots, Mencken merely looked disgusted ("That sucks"). Neither freaked like a dog would, neither cat flinched when the needle went in, they just lay there. Of course it helps that I had their neck scruff, that automatically relaxes a cat.

    Anyhow, I may now be able to get back to normal blogging. Or not...


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