Saturday, March 17, 2007

Four years ago today...

At 8:01pm Eastern Time, March 17, 2003, George W. Bush appeared on national television and told Saddam Hussein and his sons that he had 48 hours to leave Iraq. It was widely accepted that this meant that bombs would start falling in 48 hours, since the chances of some country granting a visa for Saddam and his sons within 48 hours was almost none.

The previous day, a young lady by the name of Rachel Corey was run over by an Israeli bulldozer for the crime of standing in front of a man's home. To this day the State of Israel has neither apologized nor even admitted that they have a policy of deliberately killing any protesters who attempt to prevent the demolition of Palestinian homes. Note that demolition of civilian homes by a military occupation is illegal under the Geneva Conventions, but those only apply to unseemly brown untermenschen, not to good white European Jews.

The two events are related only in that it is widely perceived in the Middle East that the invasion of Iraq was a war to make the Middle East safe for the State of Israel.

-- Badtux the History Penguin

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