Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Warning: Everybody named 'Sanchez' is a terrorist

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, an opponent of the no-fly list, found this out the hard way when she was required to submit proper ID to verify that she wasn't one of the "evil" Sanchez's.

Now, as far as I know, all the terrorists that attacked us on 9/11 were Arabs, not Mexicans... but what the heck, they both got brown skin, right? Them darkies just gotta know their place!

-- Badtux the Sarcastic Penguin


  1. ...well...they coulda been Mexicans...y'know...

  2. Ah, fuck it. I'm surrounded by fucking idiots. Is there any chance you can do just one post a day? We are all very busy trying to keep up you know. :-)

  3. Ah, I knew it. The Mexicans flew the damn planes on 9-11. In sticking with tradition, are we now going to invade Canada and search for WMD?

  4. too funny...and for mr silkwood...our southern neighbors are smarter than you think..they build tunnels to get to us now...

  5. onflgi keep waiting to find myself on one of the lists. it all reminds me of the lord high executioner's aria in "the mikado" i have a little list. not much great music coming out of this shit though. i saw a sign on the freeway in l.a. that said "how many more have to die before we can hear the dixie chicks again?" i almost wrecked near pomona. they've hated loretta since she creamed B1 Bob Dornan in what they thought was an unassailable stronghold. the whole "terrorist" angle of border security ignores several huge facts. 1. the mexicans need our economy to be strong and have zero tolerance for anyone who seeks to destroy it. and 2. most of the terrorists come in on regular visas that they then overstay. i'm putting my new sign over the gate at my country hide away today, it reads "Déjenos Solos" i didn't have it engraved in stone, but wrought iron does look good.

  6. Can I make a "dirty Sanchez" joke?

    Ah, never mind...



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