Thursday, October 19, 2006

Fluffy kitty addict

Okay guys. After that previous post, I need a fluffy kitty hit:

sniff... ahhhh.... that feels better. All is right with the world. Okay, so it's just the drug speaking. But who can resist a soft fluffy kitty putting a box to its rightful use? Except, perhaps, Dr. Bill Frist?

-- Badtux the Addict Penguin


  1. Boy, sometimes it's hard to keep up with all your posts. Screw Bill, and his big mouth, Rush also.

    Ah, kitty's, how sweet they can be, except when sitting on my lap. No, that is okay, but the keyboard is a no , no. But they keep trying. :-)

  2. Sweet little kitty doing what cats love to do. When I had three cats I would have to bring home three boxes at a time to keep peace among them. They would have so much fun leaping from one box to the next.

    Have a great weekend :)

  3. love your kitty -- and you know

    it's the second black kitty i've seen today...hummm

  4. The Mighty Fang to the rescue!


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