Friday, October 27, 2006

Townes Van Zandt in Heartworn Highway

"Waiting Around to Die", from the DVD documentary Heartworn Highways.

-- Badtux the Music Penguin


  1. Awesome, just really awesome. Appalachian folk meets blues twisted into one really great lament. Thanks!

  2. Yeah. I've been sitting here just hitting the "watch again" button over and over again.

    He was twenty-one years old when he wrote that song. Twenty one. How the hell does someone who is twenty-one years old write a song that makes a 78 year old man cry? Townes always claimed that he didn't write songs. That he just sat down, and God sent them down and he just transcribed them. Maybe so. Maybe so.

    - Badtux the Music Penguin

  3. *Groan*... I'm going to have to get a faster connection some day.

    To bad more folks don't listen to God.

    Ah, so you are 78? That's 15 years of learning and wisdom over me. No wonder I like most of what you say.

  4. Uhm no, I'm not 78. But the black guy in the video, a neighbor of Townes van Zandt, is 79 years old. You'll just have to wait for it to download, then hit the "play again" button, won't you?

  5. badtux, My daughter & I (she is 22) watched the video. It was wonderful. My daughter is a singer herself. She sang alot of old gospel in church when she was a child. & got to sing the national anthem for the portland trailblazers once. Anyway we both appreciate that kind of simple-soulfulness. Thanks!

  6. townes was a friend and a true troublesome talent. i had somebody ask me what it was like playing with him after i had done two months of roadhouses and stuff with him. i said "like being caged up with a swamp panther in a hurricane" i miss his ass. thanks for the clip.

  7. Amazing. Type "Austin pickers" in Google an see what we get here. Boy, that's amazing...
    Just started to find out more about TVZ, and the more I read the more I get blown away. How did this fella manage to stay under my radar for all these years? It had to take YouTube to really get me going...

  8. It is awesome. The sheer amazing talent - it's like Townes has this amazing, absolute perfection when it comes to lyrics - I think Devendra Banhart describes him really well in Be here to Love me- "like this root coming from some amazing galaxy man..."
    I am from Finland, and am tonight in Austin cos wanted to see all these places. I just adore the writing of Townes.

  9. He was a cool dude. His kid JT is an enormous talent when he wants to be. It was different days though. Lots of us that lived those days wouldn't change it for the world, but it was a hell of a hard way to live and I truthfully got sick of attending funerals.

    My two cents as a Lake Rat picker from the olden times.

    Willie and Ray W quit and Townes and Blaze didn't. Willie still is picking but maybe Townes is picking with Hendrix...who knows? Hell of a dude, any way you look at it, but it'd be cooler if he was still here. Same deal with Blaze.

    Both are sorely missed but they couldn't have done it any other way.


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