Friday, October 06, 2006

The mighty Fang's addiction

Can... not... resist... urge to knock over the trash and lick the cardboard!

To be fair, said cardboard *did* smell slightly of catnip. And the Mighty Fang does like his catnip, to the point where I'm always scared that the DEA will smash through my door, and, mistaking the baggies in my pantry for another weed, haul me off as a major drug distributor. But this is just ridiculous, the action of an addict jonesing for his drug and willing to do anything, no matter how anti-social, to get it.

-- Badtux the Addicted-cat-owned Penguin


  1. Right, the baggies contain catnip, sure they do.

    Why are you smoking catnip?

  2. That's hysterical---I found a baggie of dry catnip that we had in a drawer and threw it out because it made me feel paranoid the same way! They would put us in jail for a month while they waited to test it.!!!!!

  3. Hey, I can relate. Some of the things I did way back when. Once, after knocking over a pint of stout, I attempted, much to the horror of my then fiance (later an ex-fiance), to suck as much of it up from the carpet as I could. I was young, foolish and thirsty.

  4. For what it's worth, I put the garbage can back up. A couple days later, I noticed the piece of cardboard was gone. I didn't think twice about it, I'd been cleaning house, and though I didn't remember emptying that garbage can, it was within the realm of possibility. A couple of days ago, I heard some slurping from under the futon. I looked under there, and... you guessed it... the Mighty Fang had somehow hauled that cardboard out of the trash and hauled it under the futon to continue feeding his addiction!

    I wonder -- should I check my kitty in to a drug addiction center for treatment of his addiction?!


  5. No, because he might run into Republicans at rehab and he's far too nice a cat to exposed to such terrible behavior.


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