Thursday, October 12, 2006

Preparing for my migration

I am preparing for my annual migration. I am working on getting my motorcycle ready for the trip, including new tires and a new clutch cable (the old one is looking a bit shabby), and getting my camping gear all straightened out for camping along the way. While doing so, I came across this stuff:

Yes, fold-flat plastic origami tableware by Orikaso.

Previously I've been carrying paper plates. But they were rather inadequate for a number of reasons, one being that they weren't re-usable (easy to clean tho -- just toss them on the campfire :-). I just went to REI and got the three-piece set. The whole set, flattened, is smaller than the small bundle of paper plates that I carried last year during my migration -- and doesn't soak through, and isn't floppy like those paper plates.

Man, this is going to be the bestest migration ever! I'll be able to create culinary masterpieces on the road without having to carry bulky aluminum tableware that was easily bent and hard to fit into my motorcycle's paniers, woohoo!

-- Badtux the Migratory Penguin

Uhm, you didn't know that us modern high-tech birds ride motorcycles to migrate, rather than do it the old-fashioned way?!


  1. So, you're going to be riding the Goose on that migration of yours? Interesting bikes, those Moto Guzzi be... I'm not sure if I'd rely on Italian engineering to get me around the world though ;-).

    - Badtux the Motorcylin' Penguin

  2. You know, between the info in this post, and your previous posts on the MRE's. who the hell needs the LL Bean catalog anymore?

    Have a safe and pleasant trip. You do have a cellular connection so you can blog en route, right?

  3. I suppose I should not point out that penguins don't really migrate, and it's a good thing you have the motorcycle, or you'd have to hoof it- penguins don't fly.

    Bah. Why clutter the comments with facts? I like the concept of flat-folding plastic dishes. I may have to get some for a certain pair of backpackers I know.

  4. Just rub it in, Georg. It's bad enough that penguins are flightless waterfowl, but then you gotta keep rubbing our beaks in it?!

    And penguins *do* migrate. Didn't you watch March of the Penguins?!

    - Badtux the Tongue-in-Cheek Penguin


Ground rules: Comments that consist solely of insults, fact-free talking points, are off-topic, or simply spam the same argument over and over will be deleted. The penguin is the only one allowed to be an ass here. All viewpoints, however, are welcomed, even if I disagree vehemently with you.

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