Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Bonus Halloween Black Cat Blogging

The cat on the left is my mom's cat after rolling over on her back for me to pet her tummy... while she lies on my rain jacket, which she had been rubbing her head against when I interrupted her. Meanwhile, the Mighty Fang on the right is on alert looking for dastardly Trick-or-Treaters to pounce upon and eat for dinner...

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Those sweet little black cats don't scare this trick or treater. Hand over the candy or I lob this raw egg right at your computer screen.

    Happy Halloween! Now I'm hopping back on my broom and I'm outta here. Zoooom

  2. If I ever would own a cat it would have to be a black one!

  3. pretty babies...love your cats...

  4. My parents have a black cat that is evil. That's what they get for naming it Mistoffelees.


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