Friday, October 27, 2006

Death to the blogger!

And in today's Scary Black Cat Halloween Blogging episode, the Mighty Fang plots his vengeance against the dastardly blogger who is holding him...

-- Badtux the Frightened Penguin

Sorry about the poor quality. This is a photo my mother took.


  1. Awwwwww, what a cute kitty. I love black cats!

  2. Beware of that tail, BT -- it's a killer, I swear!

  3. He looks kinda pissed. I'd watch out for your feet if this is the case. The den's resident feline bites at feet and ankles when he's mad.

  4. Eiye! Death to Blogger that scoundrel it is!

    OK....Great photo!

  5. Yeah, he's pissed. He doesn't like being held like that. It's too undignified. In the next frame, he shreds that arm with his claws and leaps for cover. In the frame after that, the ambulance comes and hauls said blogger to the emergency room :-).

    And Blue, the photo would be great if only my mom knew how to use the freakin light meter on her camera! I had to Photoshop the picture just to make cat and blogger even vaguely visible. Sigh...

    - Badtux the Photography Penguin

  6. ha ha! your cat looks like that pussy-cat that Pepe Le Pew (remember that cartoon) was always after. The look on it's face, I mean.

    Mothers are notoriously bad photographers.


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