Wednesday, December 07, 2005

President lauds his plan to improve the economy -- the Iraqi one

Today the President of the United States made a major speech. Things in Iraq were going quite well, he said. The Iraqi economy was turning up, thanks to his courageous economic plan of turning cities into rubble and then paying Filipino workers to rebuild them, just as the Louisiana economy is now booming thanks to the Bush economic plan of turning New Orleans into body-strewn rubble then paying (or not paying, in some cases) Mexican workers to rebuild New Orleans.

Yes indeedy, as Dear Leader says, all we must do is stay the course and victory in Iraq will be ours. Victory being defined as, err, ah, errm, let me get back to you on that one....

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Well, yeah! I'm so glad we have a president who gets out there and tells us everything we need.. chuah right! :)

    By the way, did you sit for these Penguin?

  2. Well, he has to make sure the poor gets poorer so that he can have more money.




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