Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Eric Massa

Gen. Wesley Clark reminds me that another old military hand is running for Congress as a Democrat from upstate New York - Eric Massa, who spent 26 years in the U.S. Navy before being forced to retire due to an incorrect diagnosis of cancer. If you have a few extra dollars, send them his way. Even though he is running against Randy "Shotgun" Kuhl, most famous for two things (pulling a shotgun and threatening to shoot his wife in front of party guests, and working on his golf game), upstate New York is to New York what Alabama is to the United States as a whole.

Incidentally, if you're looking for veterans, it seems they all tend to be Democrats. The whole Republican schtict about "big government doesn't work" fails miserably when you're talking to people who worked in a big government organization (the military) which demonstrably DOES work, and works very well thank you. Republican candidates for Congress tend to be chickenhawks -- very vocal in their support of endless wars of foreign conquest, but who actively avoided military duty when they had a chance to serve (as Dick Cheney most famously put it, had other priorities).

In short, the majority of Republicans talk a good game, but when it comes to actually putting their butt on the line, they're a bunch of pussy-wimps. And if the Democratic Party wasn't such a bunch of hacks, they'd take advantage of that and whip those pussy Republicans like the cowardly curs that they are.

- Badtux the not-Democrat Penguin


  1. ...upstate New York is to New York what Alabama is to the United States as a whole.

    Well said!

  2. Repugs have the money to keep their dear children out of the military and in the National Guard.

  3. Penguin, surely you don't mean to suggest that the apparent lack of interest on the part of Dear Leader and his followers in serving in the wars they so loudly promote is evidence of --gasp-- hypocrisy? Heresy! Don't you realize that, if you voice thoughts like that, then the terrorists have already won!

    Besides, Dear Leader may not done much actual fighting, but he fights the war in other ways... such as bolstering the troops' spirit with his inspirational prose.


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