Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Collapse of Western Civilization imminent

The biggest danger to Western civilization isn't Osama bin Laden, according to right-wing nutcases. Rather, the biggest danger to Western civilization are those two people above: Elton John and David Furnish gay-marrying each other.

Why, before you know it, heterosexual marriage will be outlawed, and we'll exterminate ourselves through lack of babies! Yeppers, we're doomed, doomed I say, now that gay people can, err, hold hands in public and say wedding vows in front of a judge. They'll destroy civilization with their mighty Gay Laser of Gayness that turns us all into, like, gay people, just like them!

Alrighty then, glad we got that issue resolved (heh!).

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Jeez, and it's been such a good week, too. Between DubYa receiving a richly-deserved and long-overdue smackdown over the NSA scandal, and the judge in PA informing the Jesus People that they cannot teach religious fairytales in school and pretend it's science, I had almost started to think the adults were back in charge. Why'd you have to go and ruin it for me, Penguin?

  2. Glad I am an alien and do not have to put up with all the human crap.


  3. Actually, it's Elton John's gold shoes that are going to bring down civilization.

  4. They didn't get married in America, did they? I think we're okay if they got married in England. We know those British don't follow the correct behavior, anyway.


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