Friday, December 23, 2005


I bought myself a Christmas present -- a cheap Yamaha keyboard. $150. Not fancy. Doesn't have lots of features. But compared to even five years ago... man! I am using it as a baby grand piano right now... touch-sensitive keys? On a cheap-ass low-end keyboard? It's not a piano, but it sure as hell responds to my fingers tickling its keys like one! We truly live in amazing times...

So at the monent, I'm sitting here composing small piano concertos. The only real problem is that there aren't enough keys on the keyboard -- it chops off a couple of octaves of bass keys -- but I just couldn't justify spending four times as much money to get an "electronic piano" that has them all, especially given the, err, portability problems, inherent in having so many keys. Besides, where the hell would I store it? Icebergs have limited space for stuff like this! (Now, if you were asking me about frozen herring, there's *plenty* of space to store *that*!).

So if you hear a penguin on an iceberg playing parts out of Mozart's Piano Concerto #20 and adding in some stuff, well, you know what's going on...

- Badtux the Musical Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Good for you and people should buy themselves christmas presents....a keyboard is a good thing...have a very merry christmas...whirled peas...and all good your blog


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