Friday, January 02, 2009

Too many books

I need to do something about this situation. The last of the last batch of white bookcases that I brought home from Ikea last year are now full. I might be able to clear out enough room for another one, but really. Let's face it, half these books, I'm never going to read again, so I need to go ahead and get rid of them. Maybe donate them to the Friends of the Library for their book sales...

What starts up this riff is the fact that I just came back from Barnes & Noble with $75 worth of new books, including C.J. Cherryh's new novel Regenesis (which was originally called "Cyteen II" until it was decided that would make things too confusing). I finished re-reading Cyteen (a Hugo Award winner) a couple of months ago, I re-read it every couple of years because it asks some interesting questions about what it means to be human, but one of the things that has always irritated me about Cyteen is that it just... stops. Stops in mid-air, without wrapping up some pretty damned critical plot points (like, who killed Ari 1? And why did Denys suddenly go fuggin' crazy and try to kill Ari 2?). It was pretty clear that Carolyn was setting up for a sequel. It just took twenty years before she bothered getting around to it. ARGH!

So I guess I'll be busy for the next day or two reading Regenisis. With my luck, it probably sucks and doesn't answer any of the questions that went unanswered in Cyteen. Sigh.

-- Badtux the Literate Penguin


  1. Oh noes! You ignited my book lust...there is sequel to Cyteen at last?? Oh, gods, gods of books, oh gods.....

  2. I read a great book New Years when I was out camping.

    GOOD NEWS, by Edward Abbey, odd title for that kind of book being as most of it is really ugly, great read about the Clusterfuck Nation though if you are looking for a good read.

    It's our possible future.

  3. Time for book 'ends'!

  4. I haven't read it. I, too, have many books. Probably not in the same genre of what you read:) I hope you enjoy the sequel...even if it did take 20 years to be written/published.

  5. Have you considered a swap site? I'm sure you're not the only reader with full bookshelves.

    Teh Google

  6. Well, finished Regenesis. Just a ho hum sequel, but it does answer the biggest hanging plot point from the first book. My big beef is that it sets up yet *another* ho hum sequel. Sigh.

    BBC - Figures you'd like Crazy Ed. Crazy Ed hated people, and you do to.

    Nunya - my basic problem is lack of time. Swap sites take work. Dropping books down the donation drop at the public library doesn't. Hmm...

  7. I'm in the same boat wit' you, Badtux... too darn many books. Last night I actually broke down and read the rules & stuff for Amazon associates, which I signed up for in 2005 but never did anything with.
    You know, there's a reason I never put any of my books up for sale thru Amazon --it's just Too. Damn. Much. Work!
    So I'm going back to my previous book disposal method (same as yours) the Friends of the Library . Hey, if they make a buck or two off my old books I'm more than happy.

  8. I have a love/hate relationship with people, and so do you.

  9. No such thin as too many books! ;-)


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