Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The Illinois Senate appointment

Harry Reid had said that anybody Blagojevich appointed would not be seated in the Senate. Blagojevich then appointed Roland Burris -- who, from all accounts, would be a decent Senator -- to take Obama's place in the Senate. There does not appear to be any "pay to play" in Burris's appointment, Blago appears to have done this entirely to embarrass Harry Reid.

So, how can Harry seat Blago without looking like an idiot? Well, Harry looks like an idiot anyhow (heh!), but it looks like the deal is that Harry is going go ahead and seat Burris -- *IF* the Illinois legislature and Secretary of State sign off on Burris. Which is expected.

So that's the end of that drama queen situation, apparently. Blago got what he wanted -- egg on the face of Harry the Wimp -- and the Senate gets a decent Senator. It's just a shame that politics has degenerated to this kind of bad theatre rather than being about We The People and serious policy discussions of what We The People need in order to move forward as a nation, but that's politics today. Sigh.

-- Badtux the Tired Penguin


  1. Harry is an idiot! God, what a waste of breath.

  2. It just wouldn't be a Democratic majority if they didn't spend more time fighting amongst themselves over niggling differences than they did fighting the opposition over significant ones.

    This is the kind of crap that lost them a decades old majority the last time.


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