Monday, January 05, 2009

A scenario

Someone, let's call him Sam Goldberg, fires a bullet that kills my daughter. So here is the question: Who is responsible for the death of my daughter?

  1. Me, for not protecting her from Sam.
  2. Me, for not doing anything to reduce crime in my apartment complex.
  3. Me, for living in the same apartment complex as criminals, one of whom shot at Sam last week and now Sam is trying to get his revenge on the criminals by shooting through the windows of what he thinks is the criminals' apartment.
  4. Sam Goldberg.

Hint: It isn't me that the cops will haul off for the death of my daughter. It is Sam Goldberg.

Unless, of course, Sam Goldberg is an IDF soldier, in which case he's just a patriotic citizen and I'm to blame for my daughter's death. Because Israel works via Israeli rules, not the rules of civilization. In civilization rules it is the person who fires the bullet (and anyone who orders the bullet fired) who is responsible for the death caused by that bullet. In Israeli rules, it's the dead child's parents' fault.

Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Lesson to be learned: Don't take your daughter to Israel.

    Secondary lesson: Don't be living somewhere when the United Nations decides to give that land TO Israel.


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