Sunday, January 04, 2009

Israeli invasion of Gaza

It was inevitable. The leadership of Israel apparently has gone stark naked mad insane crazy stupid, and forgot this one little fact of human nature:

If someone is dropping bombs on you, you blame the person dropping the bombs on you, not someone else altogether.

The leaders of Israel forgot this fact when they started bombing Lebanon, hoping that Lebanese would blame Hezbollah. That was stupid. Hezbollah wasn't dropping bombs on them. Israel was. Blaming someone who isn't dropping bombs on you is like attacking Mexico in retaliation for Japan's attack upon Pearl Harbor. Only an idiot would do that, and while Lebanese may be Arab, that doesn't make them idiots, no matter how racist and bigoted the average Israeli is about Arabs (let's just say that the average Israeli views Arabs in much the same way that Lou Dobbs and his "Minutemen" view Mexicans or George W. Bush and his Reich Wingers view Iraqis, i.e., as untermenschen, unseemly mud people, not real people like you and me). If someone dropped a bomb on my family, I wouldn't blame George W. Bush for running a racist and violent foreign policy that has killed millions of Iraqis and Afghans. I would blame whoever dropped the goddamned bomb on me, just like I blame Osama bin Laden for attacking the WTC towers, not the violent and racist U.S. foreign policy that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis during the 1990's. You're not going to get me pissed at the U.S. government by dropping bombs on me. Fuck, I'm already pissed at the U.S. government. You're going to get me pissed at *you*, the person dropping motherfucking bombs on my goddamned head. Shit, this isn't brain surgery, folks. This is basic fundamental human fucking nature, I don't give a shit whether you're Israeli, Palestinian, Iraqi, Afghan, American, or Swiss, it's all the same biological hardwiring at work here.

So anyhow, that was Lebanon, two years ago. Perfect proof that if you want to stop people from shooting rockets at you, dropping bombs on people not shooting rockets at you accomplishes nothing except getting a lot of folks pissed at you. So what does Israel do when some elements of Hamas (maybe) start shooting rockets at them. Well... the SAME GODDAMNED THING THAT DIDN'T WORK THE FIRST TIME. I.e., start dropping bombs on people not shooting rockets on them, in hopes that the Palestinians will blame, well, the people (Hamas) not dropping bombs on them for the bombs falling on their heads. GAH! THE STUPIDITY! IT BURNS, IT BURNS!

So anyhow, it didn't work. Duh. If you drop a bomb on someone's head, they blame you, not someone else. So the Palestinians blame Israel for dropping bombs on their heads, not someone else who, like, didn't drop bombs on their heads (duh). Perfectly 100% predictable. Thus the invasion. Which won't work either, unless it's a permanent occupation followed up with extensive police / intelligence work to find and prosecute-and-or-kill the people who are firing off rockets at Israel. Which, BTW, is *not* Hamas proper, the majority of which is a social services organization, but, rather, a small military wing of Hamas which has maybe 500 members total. Find them, arrest or kill them, and problem is solved.

Right now, it seems to me that the only "solution" to Gaza that doesn't result in permanent Israeli occupation is to cede the whole fuggin' mess back to the Egyptians. Screw it, let the Egyptians handle the situation, have the Egyptian consul walk around Gaza with Egyptian passports and say "Hi, you're an Egyptian!" and send in the Egyptian army to keep order. End of problem. The only question is, who's going to pay for it? Egypt certainly won't. They have enough problems of their own. But that's a story for another post...

-- Badtux the Stupidity-recognizin' Penguin


  1. Re: Egypt -- don't forget that the corrupt, vicious Mubarak heriditary "democratic" kingship is playing along with the Zionazis on this. Along with playing both sides of the table.

    Mubarak participates in the food blockade. The Gazan wouldn't be as starved as they are if Egypt would let more supplies in. Of course, Israel would view any lessening of their pressure as an act of war by Egypt, and things would escalate... Part of the reason why it's such a mess.

    At the same time, the Egyptians wink and nod at the supply tunnels dug under the Gaza border. They allow JUST ENOUGH explosives and rocket fuel material to slip through to keep the Israelis off balance, but not enough to flare up into a serious war. It's so Byzantine! But why not? That region is full of the people who invented the term!

    Egypt doesn't want to help Hamas too much, because if a political movement based on radical populist Islamic ideology took hold, one of its next targets would be the corrupt Mubarak regime. So ixnay on the itizenshipsay. Sadly, Gaza is a festering pustule that Egypt wants to leave on Israel's body politic, not its own.

    Meanwhile, the little people continue to die. But to Mubarak, and to Israel's next P.M. Netanyahu (splendid job the first time around, Benny!) and all the American right-wingers who support killing any Muslim, it's OK. Because it's happening to the little people.

    What's a Middle Eastern species of monkey, Tux?

  2. Like I said, Egypt is a subject for another post altogether. Egypt would most certainly take Gaza back as Egyptian territory and hand out Palestinian citizenship to all involved... if paid enough. Remember, the only reason they have a peace treaty with Israel (and cooperate with Israel on the blockade) is because they're being paid $4B per year to do so (it's part of the Camp David accords). The corrupt Mubarak regime does love their money...

    But more on Egypt later. This post was mostly on the folly of thinking that if you drop bombs on a people that the people you're dropping bombs on will blame someone other than you for the bombings. Doesn't work that way...

    - Badtux the Pragmatic Penguin

  3. well. that was quite a rave. which actually proved you knew nothing about the situation in Israel.
    what differs this conflict from the one 2 years ago is that the south-eastern area of Israel around the gaza strip is being bombarded constantly by hamas rocket squads, for the last couple of months there was a sort of break-through between the Israelis and the people of gaza, but that served against the goal of the hamas (whatever it was) since they started the rocket attacks again, in earnest. more so, the bombarding had escalated and covered more cities that are further away from the gaza strip (i.e: ashkelon & ashdod) it was not only sderot under constant attack now, but 2 heavily populated cities. people were dying, and that provoked the Israeli government into a military action. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT THE HAMAS LEADERS WANTED FROM THE BEGINNING!
    now, of course the Israeli government could've done nothing (as it usually do) and just consult the poor people around that area to be strong and that they are heroes. which is a complete nonesense, there's nothing heroic about getting a rocket to fall on your head.
    but what would you demand of your government if someone kept throwing flaming tubes of metal stuffed with gunpowder on your children? would you pack your things and move away? where to?

    oh, and egypt? egypt wont give a flying crap about the Palestinians.just like the rest of the world. look at all the newspapers, once the cease-fire will get into effect(and there will be one, there always is). no-body's going to remember those poor souls who live in their own muck and no one's going to give a damn if they live or die. their leaders do receive alot of financial support. which they keep to their own ends, most of the money never goes into population support. because a starving poor uneducated population is easier to manipulate.
    so the israelis dont want the gaza population to blame the hamas. they just want to stop being bombarded. what a crazy ides eh?

  4. "constantly", apparently, being 12 rocket attacks in 2 months, involving an average of ten rockets apiece. And "response", apparently, being to, well... invade where the rockets *aren't* coming from, and drop bombs on people who *aren't* shooting rockets, and hope that this will somehow make the people you're shooting at and bombing hate Hamas instead of Israel, even though it's not Hamas that's shooting or bombing at them. It's as if you're invading Mexico to stop Japan from dropping bombs on Pearl Harbor. It doesn't make sense.

    Hint: If someone is shooting rockets at you, SHOOT AND BOMB THE MOTHERFUCKERS WHO ARE SHOOTING ROCKETS AT YOU, not some other poor bastard altogether whose only crime was being unlucky enough to be born in Gaza rather than Tel Aviv.

    And I agree Egypt doesn't give a fuck about Palestinians. But they give a fuck about money. If someone bribed them enough, they'd handle things. But it ain't happening, because Israel has only one strategy to deal with attacks upon its nation -- bomb and shoot people who have nothing at all to do with the attacks. Huh.

    - Badtux the knows-insanity Penguin

  5. It's amazing the number of things you apparently "know nothing" about.

    Is it the nature of the Internet for people to use the same terminology all the time? Or are there really only like twelve people and millions of nicknames?

  6. At least you say what you need to say about it BadTux.

    I think I know now why the Palestinians and Israelis that I have met have been truly distasteful to be around.

    They have far more power and attention focused on their situation than they, or it deserve.

  7. tux, the only reason the israeli army is bombarding and attacking gaza and the civilian structures in it is that most of the terrorist use the population as a human shield, they invade homes, take entire families hostage, only no one calls it like that in gaza(well... no one want to get a shot to the head also).
    you'd be quite naive to think that the israeli army and heads of state came up with the idea of "hey, they keep shooting at us, lets attack their civilians cause its the right thing to do". nope. the only reason the israeli army is attacking gaza is an attempt to stop the rocket attacks. you know, the nation you describe wont send help in the form of food & medical help to the people who get hurt during the attacks in gaza... but as it seems, israel actually sends tons of medical & food support into gaza while trying to weed out the military arm of the hamas. how dumb and unhuman is that eh? it is as if the americans would actually give a damn about all those people dying in iraq.

    apperntly the news does not portray the situation as it is on the field, it is not as if the rockets come out of a military base somewhere in gaza strip, the rockets are being launched from discreet locations by small squads who keeps on the move, its like trying run after ants in an ant farm, you just cant catch them, the only way is to destroy their infrastructure and prevent them from building more of those rockets


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