Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Bye bye, DRM

Apple announces that by the end of this quarter, all 10 million songs in the iTunes library will be available without DRM. What they gave up in exchange to the record companies was multiple-tier pricing -- now iTunes songs will be 69 cents, 99 cents, and $1.29. Reasonable exchange, as far as I'm concerned... especially with my new iPhone, which works as an iPod when you have headphones plugged in. Beats buying CD's, if I can just get a friggin' FM transmitter thingy so I can listen to my tunez in my Jeep...

-- Badtux the Geeky Penguin


  1. If you really want to get addicted to downloading music, check out amazon.com mp3 album of the day. Each day they feature a different album, priced between 99ç and $4.99. I picked up the third album by Yes last week (.99ç), and the urge to purchase an album due to the low price alone is tough to resist (econ 101 in action).

    Word Verification: repres
    Used: If you don't iron your shirt right the first time, you must repres it.

  2. There's an app for your iPhone that you can subscribe to that will turn it into a radio.

  3. James, there's multiple apps for the iPhone that'll turn it into the radio. Right now I'm listening to Pandora. Last.fm also has an application for the iPhone. Then there are the various radio streamers that stream live radio feeds, I downloaded several of them last night but prefer Pandora/Last.fm because they "adjust" to what I like. Right now I'm listening to the Townes Van Zandt Channel and Gillian Welch is playing...

    -- Badtux the Music Penguin


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