Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Sanjay Gupta for Surgeon General?

Gupta is against single-payer or any kind of healthcare system reform at all. He is decidedly a status quo type of person. The problem is that the status quo he defends kills thousands of people every year due to lack of timely healthcare or denial of health insurance coverage for serious illnesses. Anybody who defends a system that kills thousands of people per year is as morally unqualified for any position in Washington D.C. as anybody who defends torture. They’re both moral atrocities, and people who defend moral atrocities are beneath contempt and should be consigned to the lowest circles of Hell, not cushy jobs in the nation's capital.

– Badtux the Healthcare Penguin


  1. "morally unqualified for any position in Washington D.C."

    Oh heavens my dear, I didn't know there was such a thing. Does anybody have morals there?

  2. Same thing re: no mention of socialised medicine for all on a segment of the PBS NewsHour I saw down here last night. I would never watch that crap show in the U.S. because it's so bland and corporatised, but here, if I'm not working that day and I have nothing better to do, what the hell? Only, for all the consideration socialised medicine gets on PBS, it's like saying "What about a health care system where you grow a new body when you're sick?" It's just beyond their imagination, or beyond what their masters want them to speak.


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