Friday, January 02, 2009

More iPhoney

I've been browsing the iPhone apps store and downloading a boatload of free apps to try out once my iPhone gets here. Man, there's a lot of applications for the iPhone. Only question is how I'm going to get my data from my Palm to over there... I've had PalmOS-based PDA's since 1999, i.e., I have close to ten years of data on my Palm, some of which is important/crucial.

I never thought I was going to get an iPhone. But now that Splint has cut me off of tethering, there's no reason to keep tolerating the maddening limitations of the Palm Treo's browser and mail application. Too bad, Splint was doing fine by me until they decided to fsck me by taking away functionality I had for the previous two years without abusing or overusing (I only used it when travelling and only for email and basic web browsing). So it goes. Screw'em. I'm just another one of the 10,000,000 customers who've deserted them since they turned into assholes, as far as they're concerned, so... screw'em.

-- Badtux the Geeky Penguin

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