Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Why isn't he in jail?

Spamford Wallace hit with yet *another* judgement for spamming.

As if he cares. Wherever he is, he is "judgement-proof" -- no fixed assets that can be attached, all monies funneled out into places where the law can't touch them.

In this case, Spamford spammed porn links to minors. He should be in jail for that. But I supposed the Department of inJustice is too busy going after sick people to worry about little things like that...

So if anybody knows where Spamford Wallace is, please forward that information to MySpace's lawyers. And if anybody's kid got a MySpace spam from Spamford with a link to a porno site, please file a complaint with the Department of inJustice. Because this is one SOB who deserves a little inJustice, preferably with a 300 pound cell-mate named "Bubba" who loves to repeat, "Squeal like a pig!".

-- Badtux the Much-spammed Penguin

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