Friday, May 09, 2008

DHS: Defending America from tourists

Dear Department of Vaterland Security: you're supposed to be protecting us from *terrorists*, not *tourists*. Note to DHS staffers. The second letter in "tourists" is an *o*, not an *e*, and "tourist" only has one "r". I realize that since you're a buncha bucktooth foulmouth backwoods cretins you pronounce "terrorist" the same way as "tourist", but believe me, they're not the same thing. "Terrorists" bring bombs. "Tourists" bring money. Money good. Bombs bad. See? Terrorist bring bomb, terrorist bad. Tourist bring money, tourist good. Got it? Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Thanks, Badtux. I'd thought of the likeness of those words myself, but could never have expressed the difference to the Dept. of Homeland Stupidity as well as you did.

  2. What did we expect when we made the DHS free from the evils of Civil Service and accountability? The only standards are loyalty to Bush and proven dedication to the Republican Party. Look up the gawd-fearin' 'Mericans that were photographed wearing purple heart stickers during the Kerry run and you'll see what was hired


  3. DHS, Our Motto: "Like the Gestapo, Only Far Less Competent."


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