Monday, May 12, 2008

Reefer madness

So the federal Department of Scaring The Crap Out Of People About Drugs Big Pharma Can't Patent issues warnings about how that reefer stuff can cause you to, like, get depressed and psychotic and stuff. Uhm, no. That's not what the research said. The research said there was correlation, not causation. In other words, the research says that folks with mental illnesses tend to self-medicate with marijuana, not that the marijuana causes the mental illnesses. Now, marijuana obviously doesn't help depression, given that the patients surveyed were still depressed after they did their weed fix, thus marijuana use isn't the best route to take if you're depressed. But let's get real. This shit about "OMG! ALL YOUS HAIRS GONNA FALLS OUT AND YOUS GONNA TURN INTO A PSYCO IF YOU SMOKE POT!" just makes people laugh because of its sheer ridiculousnes. Reefer madness, indeed -- on the part of the government's Department of Warring Against Drugs Big Pharma Can't Patent anyhow.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. there were so many kids back in the sixties (when jazz musicians and mexican field workers were the only folks into reefer) who tried marijuana and discovered that the government was lying. if they were lying about that, it stands to reason that they were lying about everything else too.

  2. reefer madness strikes again - smile ~ i just watched woody harrilson's documentary called 'grass; - and would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to know the history of our 'drug wars'

    geeze can they just get their hands out of our lives??


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