Thursday, May 15, 2008

OMG The Gay Agenda defeats Jebusman!

Yes, folks, that mighty supervillain The Gay Agenda (see left) has prevailed over the forces of Jebus and soon will achieve his villainous goal of (gasp) EQUAL RIGHTS FOR GAY PEOPLE (OMG! The horror! The horror I say!). First, the California Supreme Court says the “right to form a family relationship” applied to all Californians regardless of sexuality. Then that treasonous Governator sez, I respect the Court’s decision and as Governor, I will uphold its ruling. Also, as I have said in the past, I will not support an amendment to the constitution that would overturn this state Supreme Court ruling (Governator! *BAD* Republican! Bad! Bad!). And then to top it all off, a fine patriotic American principal at Ponce de Leon High School in Florida was sued because, well:

Ponce de Leon High School's principal David Davis admitted under oath that he had banned students from wearing any clothing or symbols supporting equal rights for gay people. Davis also testified that he believed rainbows were "sexually suggestive" and would make students unable to study because they'd be picturing gay sex acts in their mind.
This fine upstanding upholder of Jebusland morality lost, and now must allow students to wear rainbow clothing and such in support of (gasp) equal rights for gay people (the horror! Oh the horror!).

But never fear, our brave custodian of the moral compass of America, Senator John "Box Turtle", Cornyn, has the answer for preventing man-on-box-turtle marriages (which are an inevitible, inevitable I say, result of allowing gay marriage). To whit, his already-rejected amendment to the U.S. Constitution. But now that 40 million Americans are now victims of that vile Gay Agenda who wants (gasp) equal rights for all Americans (horror!), he feels confident that he can, he can I say, get his amendment passed and thereby keep those niggers faggots in their place. And if that doesn't work, why, he can dig up Bull Connor's body and re-animate it to go whup on some nigger faggot ass, eh? I mean, how dare those horrible darkies faggots think they should have the same rights as good upstanding white heterosexual Americans and Republicans! (Err, given the number of Republicans found boffing folks of the same sex in public restrooms and elsewhere recently, 'Republicans' has to be put separately in that statement, y'know?!).

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Oh common, according to Fox news equal rights is only for privileged white people who are christians.


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