Friday, May 09, 2008

Vat is this "mouse" thing?

Mencken investigates this bizarre catnip-smelling thing that was being pulled in front him him via a thread. After sniffing it a couple of times, he dropped it and walked off, curiousity satisfied. Mencken isn't exactly the playing type. Actually, he hates pretty much everybody and everything. Well, except when he wants his tummy rubbed, in which case he hops on my lap and rolls over and lolls ridiculously, dignity forgotten in his ecstasy at getting his full body massage. But hey, a curmudgeon can't be a curmudgeon *all* the time, right?

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Mr Penguin.
    My cats are different as to their toys.
    The girl kitty loves the catnip toys.
    The boy kitty just doesn't. He likes straws.

    So I bought a 50-pack of straws for him, and give them to him one at a time.

    And both of them love laying on newspaper.
    I guess they can't imagine someone actually wanting to read that stuff.


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